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Anger Easily?

“If you do not wish to be prone to anger, do not feed the habit; give it nothing which may tend to its increase.” – Epictetus

Anger is a basic human emotion that can range from mild irritation to intense rage. In the brain, much like any other emotion represented by a brain network. The more one angers the easier it becomes to be angry. Through the process of neuroplasticity reorganization of nerve communication any skill, thought process or behavior can be reinforced. This can happen between parties however it is in the internal environment where true reinforcement of circuitry occurs. 

Anger itself is a very useful emotion. Anger acts as a natural protective mechanism. When you perceive a threat, injustice, or violation of your boundaries, anger can mobilize your body and mind to take action. This response can help you defend yourself or others, assert your rights, and ensure that your needs are met. In this way, anger serves as a signal that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.

Anger can be a powerful motivator for change, both on a personal and societal level. It often drives individuals to confront difficult situations, challenge injustices, and pursue goals with greater intensity. Social movements and reforms have often been fueled by collective anger, which compels people to demand better conditions and fight for their rights. On a personal level, anger can motivate someone to leave an unhealthy relationship, change destructive habits, or improve their circumstances.

With all the potential good anger contains there is a shadow side. This shadow presents itself copiously in today’s society. Labels within the US are tearing us apart. Polarization is at the mecca of most societal anger. The persistent barrage of inputs from media outlets is the primary cause. With each individual finding their “camp” of confirmation bias providing countless details as to why a particular viewpoint is correct. Take nutrition for instance. There are so many approaches with each group experiencing the firmest of beliefs.

To complicate matters, confirmation bias now streams readily on social media outlets such as Instagram, Tik Tok, Youtube and many others. What we watch most often is reinforced with the desire to keep the user on the platform. By reinforcing a message, the thought can ultimately enter a person’s belief system. Once a belief it is very difficult to consider a differing perspective. This sets up a recipe for much of the spirited disagreements we see in the health and wellness space. 

When one is poised to remain focused on a particular view this is when potential blindspots develop. Through the process of neuroplasticity the brain attempts to create shortcuts in thinking in order to conserve precious energy. These blind spots create a greater degree of separation resulting from a lack of available options for more expansive thinking on a particular subject. Through continuous exposure propagated by media outlets the process is plastered in leaving no room for healthy discussions on polarizing issues. 

The continuous polarization begins to create feelings within evoking emotions that simply fortify the belief. When anger is then applied to the belief all rational thought is lost due to the threat detected by the amygdala. This induces a fight or flight response. Within a home this can present itself as a disagreement. Depending on the intensity of belief and the tendency towards angering escalation can occur producing a divide difficult to navigate. 

Typically, one party must act as the fawn accepting the stronger belief in order to bring resolution to a discussion without apparent solution. The domineering personality wins reinforcing the viewpoint while the fawning party holds the energy within, possibly producing resentment. It is critical to understand the need for a remedy to prevent this from occurring. The agreement to table the discussion comes to mind while both parties enter the recovery process. 

Recovery can come from a 10 minute walk, a shower, breath work or many other strategies aimed at increasing parasympathetic nervous system engagement. In doing so, the threat detection system is disarmed allowing the parties to redirect resources in the brain to a more rational view of the subject. This can help mend the difference experienced. Conversely, if anger is allowed to remain then toxicity becomes the nature of the relationship breeding hate. 

When anger is left unchecked, it can lead to a cycle of escalating emotions and entrenched hostility, both within ourselves and in our relationships. This unchecked anger can erode trust, breed resentment, and create a toxic environment where open communication and understanding are no longer possible. Over time, the habitual expression of anger can damage relationships, erode mental health, and even lead to physical health problems due to the constant state of stress and tension in the body.

Therefore, it is crucial to develop strategies to manage anger constructively. This involves recognizing when anger arises, understanding its triggers, and consciously choosing how to respond rather than react. By fostering self-awareness and practicing emotional regulation techniques, such as mindfulness, deep breathing, and reflective listening, we can transform anger from a destructive force into a powerful tool for positive change and personal growth. In this way, we can break free from the cycle of habitual anger and create healthier, more fulfilling relationships and a more peaceful inner life.

August 16, 2024
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