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We Love Answering Questions

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For a quick answer, check out our Q&A below.


Why did you decide to start Quantum Human Performance? ↴

After 24 years in medicine, I decided it made more sense to help people get healthy. I began my journey at an epigenetics conference. Epigenetics is the science of how our genes interact with the environment we expose them to. During that conference I learned a startling statistic…90-95% of chronic disease is preventable. Why continue working on the side of the problem that doesn’t seem to improve the health of society. We are getting sicker by the day. Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, Alzheimer’s and Cardiovascular Disease continue on the rise. By 2050, if current projections are correct we may have 1 BILLION people on this Earth living with Diabetes. According to a report published by the Harvard School of Public Health, 50% of the US population will be obese by 2030 with 25% of those with severe obesity. We have a growing health problem in America. I couldn’t keep ignoring it. I decided I can apply my skills and talents to help guide those I strive with to the best version of themselves. That’s how this little company got started.

Why should I join the tribe? ↴

Your health is your most important asset. They say a healthy human wants 1,000 things yet a sick human only wants one thing. Working with an experienced, certified health coach gives you resources and support to help you find your optimal wellness. Our guidance exceeds the ordinary “sick care” experience. For 24 years that is exactly what I have done. I have taken care of the sick. Not sure why we call it health care because we don't take care of healthy people, at least not most of us. Joining the tribe provides you the experience beyond coaching. People attempt healthy habits adoption at least once per year. The infamous New Year’s resolution. Researchers suggest that only 9% of Americans that make resolutions complete them. In fact, research goes on to show that 23% of people quit their resolution by the end of the first week, and 43% quit by the end of January. Holistic Performance coaching is the answer. We immerse you with knowledge to help reinforce the practical strategies developed as part of your personalized precision guided health journey.

How does holistic performance coaching work? ↴

Our virtual holistic performance program is designed to work with you on attaining your personal health goals. Your first coaching session will be to review the Quantum Questionnaire and accompanying health assessments. The Discovery Call provides us the opportunity to meet, as well as, discuss the assessment process. This initial visit will include actionable steps to start you on your personalized path. You will receive a daily message reinforcing the week’s theme. A daily action step is available for those who want to experience optimal results. The work is the process to success. Weekly visits allow us to discuss progress, explore and resolve challenges, as well as, set an action plan for the following week. QHP support is available during office hours where we can be reached via text or email.

What is your responsibility in the relationship? ↴

We ask that you consider this process as your practice. Each day you will be asked to compete with yourself yesterday. The daily theme will be to improve by 1% each day. This may sound like a very small amount however if performed daily that mathematics works out to a 37% improvement in wellness in 1 year. We will walk alongside you in this process encouraging you toward your chosen optimal self. In order for this to occur you must be willing to do the work outlined on the holistic performance roadmap designed along the path. We ask that you be timely, present and pleasant.

What is our responsibility to you? ↴

A. Human connection is at an all-time low. We thrive on providing a safe, confidential and trusting environment during our spirited virtual meetings. Your wellness is our priority. We will meet you wherever you are on your path. Constantly reassessing our approach to provide precision guidance as part of your very own personalized wellness journey.

When are health coaches available? ↴

Health coaches are available during daytime and evening hours. Demand is high presently so we are doing the best we can to accommodate your schedule. If we cannot take you in at the moment we have started a wait list that guarantees your spot on Q.

How long does health coaching last? ↴

The Quantum Performance System is a 24 week coaching program divided into three 8 week programs. Participants can elect to do these in stages while fortifying healthy habits. Rejoin at your leisure as this program does not have to be carried out at once however for best results we recommend a 24 week immersive experience.

What will be offered to the tribe? ↴

Our membership program will be a youtube based channel providing a vast amount of resources for your continued wellness needs. Monthly virtual meetings to keep the tribe growing together providing a supportive network of like-minded individuals. Additional special benefits will be made available as the community expands.
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