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Energy Leaks

“He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.” – Victor Hugo

Emotions are thought energy put into motion. Energy that is felt. Thought energy converted into feeling. Emotions provide color to life. Giving depth to every experience. The greater the emotion experienced, the greater the record maintained by the nervous system. Although much more complex, the human nervous system is the bridge between our inner and outer world. Our spiritual side which no one can see harmonizing with our actions for all around us to see. The nervous system is responsible for every thought, every action, every behavior, every feeling, every emotion, every movement, it all starts and ends with the nervous system. 

As neuroscience continues to bring clarity to the phenomenon known as the nervous system, we are entering a time where ancient spiritual practices are being scientifically validated. Breath work focuses on learning techniques to assist with recovery, increase arousal or bring about equanimity. This is all accomplished through the regulation of carbon dioxide levels. Carbon dioxide is the greatest toxin produced in the human body. Practices, like Wim Hof breathing or the physiologic sigh, have been studied bringing validation to the power of these practices in improving wellbeing. 

Mindfulness practices and meditation allow us to create the space between stimulus and response. A term I first encountered while reading ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ by Viktor Frankl. Meditation brings about changes in brain connections. Functional MRI (fMRI) studies have helped to bring light to the fascinating benefits mediation offers living experience. By creating a regular practice one can learn to regulate emotions limiting ‘energy leaks’ from the emotional rollercoaster stress can produce. 

By strengthening character virtues, such as gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, one can improve interpersonal relationships. Yet, the more crucial advantage of character development is in self-understanding. By cultivating these virtues one can learn to be self-compassionate through the process of self-improvement. This can be very challenging for athletes and entrepreneurs. In my experiences, what drives most of us to sport and financial freedom is the external validation provided. However, this approach is directly linked to individual performance. 

A good performance or business meeting brings about a sense of happiness, while a poor performance or poor business meeting can lead to agitation, anger, grief or sadness. This is often displaced to those around us impacting interpersonal relationships adversely. During the course of work with clients we propose a different energy system be used as the primary fuel. 

Using a growth mindset, one can look at every moment in life as a learning opportunity. Rather than a source of inherent value. The latter proposes you are only as good as your last performance while with a growth mindset curiosity creates expansion. In yoga, we say when the student is ready the teacher will show up. When living in authenticity with the present moment the teacher is always available for learning and growth to occur. 

Rather than allowing achievement and extrinsic motivators to fuel each of us. Self-belief or self-trust through action becomes the dominant way of walking the path of life. The process of committing to daily actions that line with the person you want to become has many advantages. One such advantage is the results take care of themselves. Overthinking situations lessens energy efficiency. By conserving resources the human body will operate at a higher level. 

A habit we recommend often is making a list of priorities for the next day each night as part of a sleep ritual. By making this list both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators can be addressed. By accomplishing the items on the list you build self-belief with the product of increased confidence. With each checked item dopamine is released providing a chemical high similar to that noted when someone notices your achievements. This increasing self-belief impacts all areas of life. 

Learning to manage energy can be one of the most useful skills you will develop in life. Emotional regulation is at the center of energy efficiency. I coached a high level college coach who reported that in the off season, he would be “gassed out.” This troubled the coach because he felt he wasn’t as present with his family in the post season. Since our coaching experience he has learned to manage his emotions throughout the season practicing some personalized recommendations. He now is achieving greater balance in life as he feels he is much more energy rich and present in all areas of life. 

Health is a multi-dimensional human expression encompassing body, mind and spirit. Finding ways to institute exercises and practices that can help achieve this balance is our mission when guiding our clients on their journey. We are so excited to help you. Who knows, achieving balance between body, mind and spirit could be our one true purpose in life that brings us all together.

July 8, 2024
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