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Flow Like Water

“Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” – Lao Tzu

Water is such a valuable resource. Just now, you are composed of 60-70% water. Let’s think about that together for a minute. This means that 60-70% of your weight is determined by how you manage water. Obviously, there are other ways to redistribute weight yet they require a change in food source. Water serves several functions. Water supports our joints, regulates our body temperature, protects the spinal cord and brain. Water also serves as the vehicle for nutrient delivery to the cells of the body and removes cellular by-products that build up outside of the cell. Water is a major component of the fascial system of the body. Turns out there’s a web-like network that connects our whole body. This tissue is amazing! Now crucial to remember…it operates best when hydrated. The fascial system may be one of the most important recent discoveries in the biological sciences. Fascia is all over the body. Fascia connects our muscles to ligaments and tendons. Fascia surrounds the brain and spinal cord then extends into the body by way of the neurologic and vascular systems. Oh yeah, fascia also covers every muscle and it doesn’t stop there. 

Imagine cutting an orange in half. The peel is the equivalent to our skin. If you look inside you see there is a dense center with a delicate pattern emerging outwardly creating small compartments primarily composed of orange juice. This is the same pattern that we see when looking at human muscle tissue. There are dense tissues like the iliotibial band to much thinner fascial tissues which actually create the surrounding shell of every muscle cell. Basically, fascia is everywhere connecting every part of the body with the nervous system. Further investigation reveals that fascia is made up of primarily collagen and elastin fibers. These components make the tissue both strong and flexible. Now between all of the connected collagen one can observe a fluid known as ground substance. Glucose and protein molecules this substance is collectively called the extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM’s function is to provide structural support for the cells of the body along with helping with nutrient delivery from the blood system. Hence, down to the most minute levels within our bodies, water finds its way. 

With steadiness and ease water finds its way flowing by the path of least resistance. Flowing within us all, water is inherently fluid, capable of flowing smoothly and adapting to its surroundings. Water does not impose its strength, yet through harmony it carves its way. The Grand Canyon is a superb example of the gentle nature of water yet paradoxically a powerful force. I have learned that water is more essential in my life than food. The importance of water within us cannot be overstated. While observing it behave in the environment one can sit in wonder at its dynamic relationship with life. After all, life on Earth only started after the first appearance of water. Water’s primary role supporting life is in its ability to be a solvent. Liquid water is an essential requirement for life on Earth because it functions as a solvent. It has the capacity through its polarity to dissolve substances while enabling key chemical reactions in animal, plant and microbial cells.

Water’s properties serve as a reminder of how humans should flow with life. The events of life can be polarizing. Some moments we like and some moments we don’t like. We create attachments to moments in life as a result of this polarizing effect. Interestingly, the events of life are left without human perception as essentially non polar. Perception makes valence possible. Here’s where humans can exercise caution, perhaps leaning into the lesson of water. Much of the suffering we experience related to mental health surfaces from one’s inability to recognize the neutrality of life events. Particularly the painful events, such as the loss of a loved one, divorce or illness. There is a tendency to question the nature of the event perpetuating the emotional turmoil. Oftentimes expressing anger, frustration or disgust further complicates matters. These raw emotions cloud judgment, steering us away from the lesson life is offering in the moment. With the underlying emotion or root emotion of grief, shame or worry left unprocessed. Yet, how can there be greater clarity in moments like these? As Bruce Lee said, “be like water.”

Settle into the low point of feeling and sensation embracing the moment rather than attempting to push it far away. It is in acceptance where the beauty lies. The loss of a loved one can serve as a reminder to love those who are still present in our lives with more vigor. A divorce may be the signal needed to propel one to learn how to actively listen and communicate constructively. It is in illness that we appreciate health. By accepting life as a flow of events limiting the valence we provide them we each can be more like water. Emotional recovery can save one from missing out on the beauty of life while gaining resilience for the challenges to come. Again we are all 60-70% water anyways, so give yourself the gift of flow by remaining hydrated physically and emotionally. As you approach your day consider taking sips of water throughout the day nourishing the cells of your body while providing your fascia its greatest need. You are in control of your health and the greatest act of self-love that exists is self-care. Health is a multi-dimensional experience with water at its epicenter. Allow water to create a harmonious internal environment while learning to act in its nature flowing with the events of the gift that is your life. 

March 20, 2024
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