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Healthy Connection

“A team is not a group of people who work together but a team is a group of people who trust each other” – Simon Sinek

What and who do you believe in? Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Faith happens to be a prerequisite for living in flow with the events of life. Simply stated, it is easier to be faithful when life is going as desired. Yet, faith is often traded for fear in times of challenge. As I see it, faith is believing in something greater than the Self while fear is experienced by the ego. The ego being a character created by the mind in order to increase survival in the early environment we are exposed to. In order to make sense of this I tune into ancient wisdom when considering this subtle difference in perceptual sense. 

The chakra system is a collection of energy centers in the body that are linked to specific organs and nerve bundles. The seven main chakras run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Starting from the bottom with the root chakra ascending in order to the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and the crown. It is said that when the chakra system is harmonized the energy within the body is allowed to flow towards the crown. Coming from western medical sciences this concept was quite difficult to entertain. Energy? How can one conceptualize it? Simply stated it cannot be conceptualized. It can only be felt. 

Often regarded as part of the mystical sciences, intrigue brought me to a much more concrete understanding. In western medicine, we are taught about the sympathetic trunk. The sympathetic trunk, also known as the sympathetic chain or gangliated cord, is a pair of nerve fiber chains that run from the base of the spine to the skull, along each side of the vertebral column. Western medicine is limited in its use of this system. However through holistic methods, such as breath work, one can gain access to this system. 

Interestingly, within the sympathetic trunk there are nerve bundles located in similar locations as the proposed mystical yogic energy centers. These bundles are known as the sympathetic ganglia. These bundles receive and deliver messages to and from the brain and organs they are connected to. These bundles are part of an information highway called the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which controls involuntary actions in muscles, glands, and internal organs, including the body’s “fight-or-flight” response. It is through the influence of this system that much of our behavior is determined. 

When one is in a relaxed state, the energy flows freely through the system communicating to the brain that everything is safe in the environment. This freedom of flow and safety translates to shifts in resource allocation in the brain opening up channels of collaboration, creativity and enhanced learning among other favorable characteristics. Yet, when one is experiencing life perceived as stress this flow of energy is blocked in the lower chakra centers manifesting in the corresponding organs. For instance, stress can produce gastrointestinal issues, such as stomach aches, diarrhea, constipation, nausea as noted with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome. 

Now the sympathetic nervous system is part of a larger system known as the autonomic nervous system. Its partner is known as the parasympathetic nervous system. Consider the sympathetic side as the accelerator driving energy into the areas of communication while the parasympathetic system is the brakes slowing the energy to the same regions. There is a balance that can be struck in order to achieve the aforementioned free flow of energy. One of the most powerful ways to achieve balance is to develop a strong sense of self-belief. How can one accomplish this efficiently? Well, hire us and we will show you or you can take on the challenge of creating a roadmap to your best version of Self. 

How does this work? Self-belief is defined as a person’s belief in their ability to complete tasks and achieve their goals. By creating a roadmap to one’s best version, one can list milestones on the journey to achievement. By achieving each milestone one builds self-trust or self-belief. Additionally, the benefit of the release of dopamine in the pursuit of these long term goals supports you as the fuel for the journey. As one continues building self-trust, the emergence of the ascending version develops an ability to recognize others on a similar quest. 

Self-belief becomes the gateway to a higher dimension of existence. In yogic philosophy it is said that the root chakra deals with survival needs with fear as its currency. The sacral chakra with intimacy, sexuality, sensuality, and reproduction with its currency being desire. The solar plexus chakra governs confidence, control, inner strength, and vitality with its currency being identity, ego and most importantly self-belief. Here’s where the rubber meets the road.

Once those three chakras are balanced we are free to understand the depth and richness of self-love as the energies are allowed to rise to the heart chakra. The answer lies in identifying a purpose worthy enough to commit to the journey. What better purpose could exist than the pursuit of health. The ultimate wealth. By learning to be safe within our bodies we can bring balance to the root chakra setting in motion a dormant energy at the base of the spine. By accepting desire as a natural part of life, yet not succumbing to its gravity the energy continues ascending until it reaches the solar plexus. 

My life experience says this is the most difficult part of the journey. You see the ego resides here. Here lies the old set of rules and behavioral patterns bestowed upon us by a past no longer present. Here is where many stall or give up. Here is where motivation suffers. Here is where thoughts can be generated from to pull us off course. You see identity or ego change stirs the lower centers. Bringing alive desires to quit and at times depending on the grip even survival can come into question. Paradoxically, it is the death of the old rules and behavioral patterns that gives birth to authenticity and truth. It is through the process of building self-belief that we can crown ourselves kings and queens of our own destiny. No longer prisoners of a past long gone. 

The answer to the mystery of holistic health lies in the balance of the autonomic nervous system. Through moderation one can approach healthier living by setting out on this journey. Building self-trust while recognizing others on their path to holistic health. Building networks of trusting teams with one aim in mind. To help heal the world of chronic disease. Elevating consciousness to the heart and beyond. Join us on this mission that will bring about true change within you creating a ripple effect felt round the world. 

June 26, 2024
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