“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” Albert Einstein
Can you remember the last time you used your imagination? What an amazing gift to be able to utilize as a vehicle for change. Of course, when we hear the word change, we are prompted to think of something outside of us. Yet, true measurable change can be an internal experience which can change the shape of your own world. Through imagination any individual can unite with the divine spark within.
What do I mean by this? Simple holistic approaches to self-care are all about nurturing the body, mind and spirit. Finding balance between this holy trilogy is our right yet many of us remain grounded in the body unable to take flight as the spirit. It is through imagination that we can each become spiritual. The gift and curse can be used to influence the trajectory of our lives. That is, of course, if you are willing to challenge the path of least resistance.
Universally, we are all governed by laws. I don’t mean the laws made by man. I mean the laws made by the Universe. Humans are hardwired to take the path of least resistance, which is a cognitive shortcut that helps the brain conserve energy and make decisions quickly. Yet, we are equipped with the ability to challenge this law. This comes with an energetic cost which is subject to internal revolt when called upon.
The internal revolt comes in the form of contrarian thoughts evoking feelings that for most of us signal the end of the imagined path. For the few that choose the narrow, steep climb to the mountaintop lies a prize of freedom felt by only those who have learned to rest at ease at the top. Living on a mountaintop must be incredibly challenging wouldn’t you agree? Subject to the storms of life without protection yet free to view the expansive world with heaven-like regard.
One must consider what it must be like to look at the mountain from its base. How could I possibly climb this? Fear grips now thinking of what lies ahead. Wait, is it fear or excitement? Nevermind its excitement. You see, these days the challenge excites me. It used to create fear. Wait, was it ever fear or simply my nervous system adjusting blood flow in preparation for the climb ahead shunting blood to my muscles, kidneys, heart and brain away from my gut leaving behind a sensation often described as butterflies? I imagine it’s the latter.
Comfort has become the standard in modern times. Although we have built this world with all of its conveniences with the purpose of providing safety through innovation we have sacrificed much needed challenges along the way. Our hunter/gatherer ancestors would marvel at what we have accomplished yet I am certain they would chuckle at what we believe to be necessary in our lives. Yet, it was through their imagination and effort that we arrived at this moment in time.
Collaboration has always been our way of achieving great acts in life. Collectively, we imagined what was possible and made it so. Now I call upon each of you to imagine a world of healthy individuals. I am not referring to health as we have come to know it with ripped abs and large muscles. I write of a health that permeates our entire existence. Health of all dimensions of our beingness.
I continually imagine my climb to health. A journey not a destination. An understanding or balance within projected outwardly for all to see. A light shining so brightly as to collapse all darkness. A selfless love for all of humanity in this collective existence. A light so attractive as to seduce even the most addicted material seeker among us. I imagine this light growing within me each day. Through my daily practices growing larger.
I am not alone. There are those that walk with me that also have a light growing within. I imagine there are many of us out there amidst the 7.5 billion humans existing on planet Earth. I imagine that as we find one another we will each experience even greater internal harmony. An energetic frequency felt not seen in the space between the root and crown. A heart space of love and light so powerful it can move mountains or even make pyramids.
Now this is just my imagination I am writing about. What about yours? What does your mind imagine? The possibilities are endless. Dream your greatest dream. Challenge the path of least resistance. Climb to the mountaintop. Live in harmony with light while traversing the darkness of the soul’s night. Freedom lies on the other side of self-love.